
AU-EU Youth Voices Lab – Power of the Collective

AU-EU Youth Voices Lab – Power of the Collective is part of the AU-EU Youth Lab programme and aims to create a more youth-responsive and inclusive society in Africa and Europe. It seeks to enable transformative and co-creative actions by enabling two interlinked journeys: the Youth and the Institutional journeys. It will create the “AU-EU Youth Voices Lab App,” a mobile app that will help reach Youth and Decision-Makers in Africa and Europe, leveraging technology to catalyze social change. The vision of the AU-EU Youth Voices Lab – Power of the Collective is to facilitate a society in which policies, partnership/cooperation plans, and decision-making processes are the result of enhanced youth engagement, empowerment, and connection and of improved intergenerational partnerships and Action at local, national, continental, and cross-continental levels. Find out more here.


01/03/2024 – 29/02/2028


€ 7.368.421,00
